JAPAN TIME: 2024/05/20 05:21 (JST)

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【SmartTrade】Announcement of the delay of MV QUEEN ACE V-021 from Hyundai Glovis

2015/06/11 (JST)

Dear valued customers,

Thank you for using tradecarview.com.
We received the report from JI WORLD JAPAN, about QUEEN ACE V-021 of Hyundai Glovis.
Please refer to the information below.

MV QUEEN ACE V-021 is behind original schedule due to delay of ship trouble, and all cargo had to transship. ETA is expected to be as below.

T/S: For Mombasa, Dar es salaam, Durban →M.V.GLOVIS CONDOR V-013
T/S: For Maputo→M.V.GLOVIS SUNRISE V-007

・GLOVIS CONDOR V-013  MOMBASA: 7/4, D.E.S: 7/6 DURBAN 7/12

We sincerely apologize about your inconveniences.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Contact number: 03-5859-6162

Thank you for your continuous cooperation.

With appreciation,
Carview Corporation