JAPAN TIME: Jun / 03 / 2024 04:34 AM (JST)

Opiniones de los usuarios

AA Japan Pvt LtdWe provide BEST quality vehicles for YOUR prices! We export cars to countries in Asia (Sri Lanka, Myanmar), Africa (Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Botswana), The Caribbean, South America and Oceania. Our agents and customers around the world offer local support for all of our sales and shipments throughout each region .Al Ain Japan exports wide variety of Japanese Used Cars around the world such as Cars , Vans, Trucks, SUV's , Mini-Vans, Buses, Tourist buses and Machinery . We purchase our vehicles from Auctions as well as from main brand dealers with a wide-spread selection of models and colors.We have a quality standard where all of our vehicles get inspected and are taken for a test drive by our technicians. Each vehicle receives approval based on its condition. Only vehicles which pass this test get approved for export. This process is strictly followed to ensure the quality of all vehicles we export.

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Puntaje total4.5 259 comentarios
Precisión de la Información4.4
Tiempo de Entrega4.5
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* Los datos se resumen a partir de enero de 2011.

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