JAPAN TIME: Jun / 03 / 2024 08:24 PM (JST)


Langue:  / English / 中文

A propos du vendeur

Fed Wu has served thousands of clients locally & have served as a committee in the Singapore vehicle association since 2011. We have 2 workshops to repair our vehicles, we helped our client to save $ cos we are repairing gearbox & engine for all made of sedan and supercar. Fed Wu is also a committee member of the supercar club in Singapore & have sold many sports cars to their clients. we look forward to an overseas partnership in terms of you can buy from others or us & we still will provide strict inspection of the cars you are buying from the seller. This will ensure you are getting something good from Singapore dealers.

48 toh guan road east enterprise hub 06-99 ,singapore,singapore,608586;
Heures d'ouverture
 / English / 中文
Année de création
Type de propriété
Conditions de paiement
De classification des entreprises
Wholesaler Retailer Importer Exporter
Nbr Nombre total d'employés
Volume total annuel des ventes

avis des utilisateurs

Recommander ce vendeur?

Score Total5.0
Exactitude de l'information5.0
Délai de livraison5.0

* Les données sont résumées à partir de Janvier 2011.
* transaction TCV seulement

helpComment lire la critique



Nov / 22 / 2020 (JST)

Dear Potential buyers, I highly recommend you to do business with TCV. I ordered for Subaru Forester 2010 two months back and received more than I ordered for. Perfect engine, fantastic music, good customer care from allmotoring.sg and continuous communication to confirm the status of receivership and current condition. Am glad to receive my first car from allmotoring.sg and definetaly recommend and order for my future cars from the same.Thank you so much and am grateful for the business.

Commentaires des utilisateurs d'autres

Statistiques réponse du vendeur

taux de réponse- (moyenne : 91%)répondre vitesse-

* Statistiques de ce vendeur réponse montrer comment est actif à l'enquête de l'acheteur. (Affiche moins de 1 mois)