JAPAN TIME: 2024/09/21 10:03 (JST)

News from tc-v.com


tradecarview.com has a new customer support system

2012/08/02 (JST)

Thank for using tradecarview.com and Paytrade service for your car purchases.

In order to serve you better, improve our user experience and incorporate your inquiry, we will start a new customer support system. This new system will allow the buyers to communicate with customer support staffs using the message system. Thus, the use of e-mail addresses will be stopped after we start implementing the new system. In that regards, we are going to close the current used e-mail addresses (trade@carview.co.jp/ paytrade@carview.co.jp/ tcvreport@carview.co.jp) on August 9, 2012 (JST).

If you want to contact tradecarview.com customer support, please use the ‘contact us’ icon on the tradecarview’s top page. Please send inquiry according to the content and department, person in charge will reply you within 2 business days.

Please note, e-mail will not be available from August 9, 2012 (JST)

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
