JAPAN TIME: 2024 / 06 / 17 03:59 AM (JST)

News from tc-v.com


Important Notice of Fraudulent Activities on tradecarview.com

2009 / 07 / 08 (JST)

Attention to our tradecarview users:


We would like to thank everyone for their support with tradecarview.com. As the numbers of tradecarview users continue to increase in a fast pace, we have recently received various fraud/spam complaints that we would like to warn our precious users about.


Case # 1, Beware of fraudulent escrow services

Scammers often set up fake escrow services and they claim an affiliation with tradecarview.com to create a sense of security. But tradecarview.com does not endorse any particular escrow service and does not operate an escrow service.



-Avoid any service that implies an affiliation or partnership with tradecarview.com

-Avoid any service that claims to be operated by tradecarview. Carview does not operate an escrow service.

-Decline the transaction if the other party insists on using an escrow service that you are not sure about.

If you still prefer to purchase through an escrow service, make sure you understand the conditions before you proceed.


Case # 2, Beware of vehicle prices that are significantly low

Scammers often set up non-existing companies and price vehicle significantly below the market value. In recent years, there are similar cases reported especially in Europe, where an organized African criminal group listed vehicles on various website and scammed many car buyers.



-If the price of the vehicle is too cheap and too good to be true, it probably is.

-It is ultimately the responsibility of the user to use due diligence and take the proper precautions when dealing in imported vehicles.


If you receive a suspicious email or are the victim of a scam, please email us at trade@carview.co.jp

tradecarview.com will continue to update and warn our users about suspicious fraud/scam acts.