JAPAN TIME: 2024 / 06 / 17 03:26 PM (JST)

News from tc-v.com


Members ID now required for making an inquiry

2010 / 08 / 13 (JST)

Dear Users,

We thank you for using tradecarview services.

Recently, we have noticed a large amount of non-member spam inquiries being sent through our system.
In order to reduce the number of spam inquiries, tradecarview now only accepts inquiries from registered members starting from August 13, 2010.

If you have not yet registered as a tradecarview member, you are required to get an ID before you can send an inquiry:

If you are already a registered member of tradecarview.com, please make sure to login first or else you will not be able to make an inquiry.

Thank you for your understandings.
