JAPAN TIME: 2024 / 06 / 16 05:03 PM (JST)

News from tc-v.com


To tradecarview user in Mozambique

2011 / 11 / 04 (JST)

This is to announce you that Mozambique government has just changed their rule of pre-importing inspection regarding the used car from Japan to Mozambique.
The inspection cost must be paid by the buyer before the used car departs.

In that mean, the inspection cost should be included in the invoice price.
This rule is applicable to the shipment dated from November 3, 2011.

If your transaction were paid through PayTrade already, please ask seller to change the invoice and pay additional inspection cost to the PayTrade account.
Your payment will be accepted with the second rate on the day we received.

If your transaction were not paid through PayTrade, please consult with the seller directly about the additional inspection cost.

For further information, please check the official announcement from Mozambique Embassy in Japan.

Please check the detailshere

Carview Corporation