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News from tc-v.com


[Important Notification] Fake Phishing website - Bondar Trucks Co.Ltd

2012 / 02 / 28 (JST)

Thank you for using tradecarview website and PayTrade service.It has come to our attention that there is a fraud activities conducted by two companies by the name of Rocky Motoring Co., Ltd and Bondar Trucks Co.Ltd (Representative: Mioky Bondar). The two claims to be PayTrade authorized dealers posing fake certificates and website. We have NOT authorize any company and we DON`T have a bank account in Spain or anywhere else apart from Japan. .
We do not recognize these two companies and we don’t have any business dealing with them. Please refrain from doing business with them.

For any purchase we advise to use PayTrade service. We are a Japanese company so all of our bank details and address must be of Japan unless we announce otherwise in our website. So for any transaction make sure the account name is in Japan with Carview Corporation as the name of the account holder. At the moment we are using only two bank accounts. The link below show the name and other important details of the account we are using

PayTrade Bank Account
Important Notice of Fake Phishing Emails

Also we would like to give you their fake website which they have been using so that you can prevent yourself from being scammed or phished by them.
http://tradecarievv.com or http://tradecarvievv.com/pr/uid=807938/index.htm

Please remember that we have NO relationship with this FAKE website, and we will not responsible if you visited that website and had any damage by them. Before you made any payment you can always double check with us. Be careful with the website you are using by confirming the name to avoid fake or phishing websites.

Thank you.tradecarview.com