JAPAN TIME: 2024 / 06 / 16 00:11 PM (JST)

News from tc-v.com


Notice of change of tradecarview Store Kenya

2014 / 01 / 10 (JST)

Dear Customers,

A Happy New Year to you all.
Thank you for using tradecarview Store Kenya services such as PayTrade Kenya etc.

This is to inform you that, we have moved our office from [Westlands, Nairobi Kenya] to our new premises [3rd FR, International life House Nairobi, Kenya] as of 13th January 2014 onwards.

Our telephone and fax numbers remain the same.

We will continue to offer the same services at our new location.
We hope you will get acquitted with our new office soon while enjoying the same exclusive customer privileges at our new office location.

For further information about our new location, please contact us on telephone:
+254202484642; Mobile: +254 715720325
or e-mail us on tcvstore_kenya@carview.co.jp .

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Carview Kenya Limited