JAPAN TIME: Jun / 02 / 2024 09:38 PM (JST)

Opiniones de los usuarios

Make it Possible with Rao international.Rao International Co.,Ltd was Established 19 Years ago, and is now one of Japan's fast growing Automobile Exporters of Pre-owned and Re-conditioned used vehicles.Because we have 20 years of experience in the Japanese and worldwide automotive industry, we have been able to build strong and lasting business relationship with Car Dealers and major Auctioneers across Japan. As a result, we are able to obtain automobiles at highly competitive prices.

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Puntaje total4.4 383 comentarios
Precisión de la Información4.3
Tiempo de Entrega4.6
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Los últimos seis meses

Puntaje total
4.0 1 comentarios
Precisión de la Información3.0
Tiempo de Entrega5.0
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NO 1

* Los datos se resumen a partir de enero de 2011.

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