JAPAN TIME: Jun / 19 / 2024 03:20 AM (JST)

Opiniones de los usuarios

3000 units in stockWe would be absolutely delighted to have a chance to do business with you. We have approximately 3,000 cars in stock, and provide every maker of high-quality Japanese cars for convincing and reasonable price. We will try our best to give you a close support and offer prompt service for your comfort and satisfaction. Our goal is to build mutual trust and long-term partnership, and then develop together in the future. BUSINESS HOURS: MON-SAT (10AM-19PM)OFFICE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS******************************************************************************************************

Total rating

Puntaje total4.4 223 comentarios
Precisión de la Información4.4
Tiempo de Entrega4.4
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Los últimos seis meses

Puntaje total
3.7 1 comentarios
Precisión de la Información3.0
Tiempo de Entrega3.0
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NO 0

* Los datos se resumen a partir de enero de 2011.

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