JAPAN TIME: May / 08 / 2024 03:57 AM (JST)

Muropart Pty Ltd

Langue:  / English

A propos du vendeur

Vehicle exports from South Africa

AutomobileXports, part of the Muropart Group, is a young and dynamic company specializing in the exporting of new and used vehicles from South Africa to the rest of the world. AutomobileXports is regarded as one of South Africa's leading vehicle export companies.

The company's directors have over 20 years experience in the sourcing, supply and export industry and strive to provide competitive prices. We specialize in various vehicle types, including:

-Game viewer vehicles
-Specialist vehicles, e.g. ambulances and armoured vehicles

We can offer our customers good advice and guidelines to make sure you buy the right vehicle for your needs and requirements.

We'll offer you world class service to make sure we can enjoy returning business from you and your friends!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We would be glad to assist with your inquiry!

avis des utilisateurs

Il n'ya pas d'examen par les acheteurs

1022 Besembiesie Rd Montana Park,Pretoria,Gauteng,0182;
Heures d'ouverture
 / English
Année de création
Type de propriété
Corporation/Société à Responsabilité Limitée
Conditions de paiement
De classification des entreprises
Wholesaler Exporter
Nbr Nombre total d'employés
5 - 10 personas
Volume total annuel des ventes

avis des utilisateurs

Il n'ya pas d'examen par les acheteurs

Statistiques réponse du vendeur

taux de réponse- (moyenne : 95%)répondre vitesse-

* Statistiques de ce vendeur réponse montrer comment est actif à l'enquête de l'acheteur. (Affiche moins de 1 mois)