JAPAN TIME: May / 06 / 2024 11:05 AM (JST)

Tyee Imports Inc

Langue:  / English

A propos du vendeur

Tyee Imports Inc. grew from an interest and passion for unique cars and trucks that were never offered in North America. The Japanese automotive market is more competitive and therefore tends to get cars and trucks with more features, better quality and more power than its North American counterpart.

Our company has been in car sales business for years to fulfill the need for better automobile standards and takes pride for building a good reputation in Canada vehicle import industry.

We specialize in importing vehicles to Canada and we guarantee that the import used vehicles are of great value and quality. We find well maintained, low mileage cars and trucks at auctions, car lots and even through private ads and import them into Canada. Often the savings are substantial when compared to a similar vehicle being offered locally. If there is something specific you are looking for, let us know. We offer a brokerage service which will find you the JDM vehicle of your dreams!

avis des utilisateurs

Il n'ya pas d'examen par les acheteurs

2234 South Island Hwy ,Campbell River,BC,V9W1C3;
Heures d'ouverture
 / English
Année de création
Type de propriété
Conditions de paiement
De classification des entreprises
Wholesaler Importer
Nbr Nombre total d'employés
Volume total annuel des ventes

avis des utilisateurs

Il n'ya pas d'examen par les acheteurs

Statistiques réponse du vendeur

taux de réponse- (moyenne : 93%)répondre vitesse-

* Statistiques de ce vendeur réponse montrer comment est actif à l'enquête de l'acheteur. (Affiche moins de 1 mois)