JAPAN TIME: May / 08 / 2024 01:54 PM (JST)

Sphere Automotive Export Pte Ltd

Idioma:  / English

Sobre el concesionario

Your One-Stop Automotive Solutions

ur Mission

Our mission is to steer around the world providing the trading of vehicles across and around the globe. Sphere Automotive Export is build based on the passion we have for cars. As our logo show a steering wheel with 2 arrows, this symbolises the trading process universally. Blue, the color of the sky and sea, often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and truth. Green, the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, and environment.

And the steering wheel symbolises the car as every car comes with a steering wheel.

Singapore has a certain fixed period of time for car ownership. When the Certificate of Entitlements (COE) ends, owners of these vehicles may choose to scraped the vehicle or renew their COE. Sphere Automotive Export Pte Ltd aims to export these vehicles giving them a second chance instead of scrapping them away.

Opiniones de los usuarios


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19 Jurong Port Road ,Singapore,Singapore,619093;
Horas de funcionamiento
 / English
Año de fundación
Propiedad tipo
Corporación/Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada
Condiciones de pago
Clasificación Empresarial
Wholesaler Retailer Freight Forwarder Importer Exporter Other (Automotive Exporter, Importer,Logistics,Freight Forwarding,Motorbikes,Local Dealerships)
N º de empleados totales
11 - 50 personas
EE.UU. $50 Millón - EE.UU. $100 Millón
Tamaño según ventas
EE.UU. $50 Millón - EE.UU. $100 Millón

Opiniones de los usuarios

Recomienda este vendedor?

Score Total3.5
Precisión de la Información3.0
Tiempo de Entrega4.0

* Los datos se resumen a partir de enero de 2011.
* transacción TCV sólo

helpCómo leer la crítica



Dec / 07 / 2021 (JST)

Transaction went through nicely straight from negotiation to receiving of item. Seller was honest about defects & sent extra photos before payment.



Oct / 11 / 2021 (JST)



Oct / 02 / 2021 (JST)

The car was sent to me with damage tires and upon getting the car one tires busted to shred, the front bamper I has got paint pulling off and it’s lose, the back looks like it was worked on and yet I was told there was no accident but the damage says otherwise.

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