JAPAN TIME: Jul / 27 / 2024 10:20 AM (JST)

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Welcome to
United States's
trade information page

Please check your country's import regulation
and other useful information.

The Import Regulation

Shipping Destination ports

Baltimore, Galveston, Jacksonville, Long beach, Miami, New York, Freeport (Texas), New Port News, Savannah, Tacoma

Steering Handle


Age restriction

More than 25 years from manufactured year.

Road worthiness Inspection

Need to follow to the standards of NHTSA

Other restrictions

The car must meet safety, Bumper, and Theft Prevention Standards of US and Canada.
Please refer to the below website for more information about the models allowed.

Import taxes rates

Custom duties:
Autos 2.5%
Trucks 2.5%
Motorcycles either fee or 2.4%
Federal Tax applied to some model.

*This page contents are based on information acquired in March 2017.

Customer Voice in United States

United States United States

Level of Satisfaction 3.0

It was a breeze. It was easier than buying a car in person.

United States United States

Level of Satisfaction 3.0

Be patient. It takes time to get the transactions processed. Do not expect to have your car in 2 weeks. Do your research, stay in contact with TCV they will take care of you. I love my new ride They did a good job making sure I got it. The auction sheet was spot on for the car. Got a great deal on a dream ride. Highly recommend working with TCV to get a great deal on a Japanese import. Thank you